Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My First Time Jogoya with Anne Law

Jogoya...Jogoya...Jogoya...I never eat u b4!!! Actually I waited long time ago go to there eat liao because just consider the price so expensive leh.

Nowadays Jogoya got promotion for 2 person jz pay 1 person buffet fee only
And then dont know find who accompany to me go 2gether.

At last month for February, alot classmate already went to enjoy their Jogoya with their member. But I also wait my another member go to eat 2gether, whatever all member must said alot reason such as no money or no time lo :(
I hate lo~~

Anne Law and ME ^^

Jogoya really so many food to eat!!!! I also dont know eat which food first....there have japanese, chinese, western and alot alot food la...After that, I heard ye may said Jogoya just given 2 hours for enjoy to eat only but that days we ate already over 2 hours liao...It maybe see when table not enough to provide to customer so that they will be call u left!!!! Finally I think still alot food haven eat and no enough time to eat lo...

If next time still have this kind promotion, I will try to eat again in Jogoya :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Mcd big breakfast~~

My lovely breakfast~~very long time no eating u liao!!!

Recently Mcdonald got promotion about breakfast is when u used coupon spent over RM5 can take free two big breakfast. But not included "Drink" lo.....

So surprise is can accept for computer print out coupon~~My friends print alot coupon=="

Never mind!!!! My friend and I buy two coffee or tea already over RM5 so that could enjoyed eat "Big Breakfast". ^^

Finally, I think this breakfast just spent RM3 only and cheaper than "Wan Tang Mee" in the morning.

~Big Breakfast~

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tired till die~~

Why need to say "tired till die"?

Actually from Friday to Sunday, I went to shopping centre such as 1U, Sunway and Pavilion. Becoz recently want to find clothes for wear my brother wedding dinner. Other hand, my mum also need to buy wedding dress but always difficult to find suitable. last two weeks, they also came to here find dress in kota damansara but cant find suitable size or price so expensice. At last, my mum and sister already bought dress in Tango in Pavilion spent around RM1000 but this shop cant discount for the parking fee. =.="

And then, I still haven't buy a suitable or nice clothes so must quickly to find. I will more "pokai" for a few month lo~~no choice!!! because want pretty need to pay 代价......

However, I feel my healthy not than last time better. When I walked or stayed long abit should feel tired and gasp liao. I think need to rest more and eat Chinese medicine to cover my healthy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Starbucks new logo

In this year 2011, Starbucks already changed their logo to replace old one. At the same time, the old logo almost used 20 years old from 1991 until 2010. I'm so surprise why Starbucks need to change their logo. So that I quickly went to Starbucks took one picture from cup. But I feel that last logo was nice than now because new logo just have woman never got "Starbucks" name inside. That will be make people confuse what is the brand of company. However I really like to go Starbucks drink coffee and bring laptop online that is feel comfortable and enjoy the life.

Left side is old logo, Right side is new logo.

Monday, March 14, 2011

When I naked......

This blog I'm going to post about the show my bodies. When someone know about myself is what kind person, all people should be said a word "shy". But nowadays why I suddenly change so open or sexy, actually I also not really know is how. After that, I'm not have a good body that need to upgrade and do more gym but don't have time. I often saw when someone photo in facebook looked their body so nice and sexy, that will make myself so admire. However, I really like to enjoy camwhore life when nobody stay in beside. If got anyone there should feel abit "paisei". Furthermore, that is called enjoy and play photographic in my life.
For the following photo is don't have wear clothes by myself:

show my two point :P

"lonely" squated there dreaming or waiting sth~

"No figure" for me, haiz!!! Walao, my tummy abit big need to keep fit :P

When I closed my eyes.....

Everyone, so surprise rite? This is me~~~

If got a chance, I really hope that can take art photo in my life. As well still haven't ability do this~~Actually I hope to buy a DSLR camera, but just don't have so much money and knowledge about DSLR camera in my life.

Monday, March 7, 2011



希望能够中"4D" 啦~~~

Thursday, March 3, 2011



每当有thunder的时候,我都会赶快关电脑和盖被紧紧 :P


但是最怕的是淋完雨后生病 :-(