Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My New Identity Card

Waiting around three month ago, finally get my new identity card on today.

I'm still remember my old identity card is very very ugly for my look. Therefore, I really really less to show out my identity card to other people. Now I just abit satisfied my new IC but my face look like some angry like wanna kill someone =P

New Identity Card had abit some different for last time, there are improve their security, one more small photo and other. Actually you can't feel got which one difference now must be real to feel it laaaaa.

The Malaysia government never compulsory to everyone change new identity card, but now quite alot people go to change it. Make JPN processed really really slowly~~Now JPN announced public ppl can't change new identity card except spoil, above 18 years old, card can't read and other.

Why I need to change my identity card?? That why I already above 18 years old till now 24 years old just go to change it. If above 25 years old, you need to pay high fee.

At last, I really really happy can get my new ic because I was waiting and expected so long for it.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2012

Coming this month "May"
I still at hometown helping my family business
but I dont think I really get happy or not
always feel moody in my life

Why Im so moody
because always money money influence on myself
trouble for it~~

I dont like ppl always ask me a sensitive question
The question was......................
I think dont want write out
make me wanna crazy or sad
see how first I'm planning what kind future life~~