Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012!!!

We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
And a Happy New Year!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!
So happy on Christmas day, Every year always expect this day coming.Because I could saw every shopping mall decoration and gathering with friends.
Also spent a lot money on this Christmas month~~

On 23 Dec, I already celebrate christmas with my friends. This time ours gang gathering went to pavilion eat Japanese steamboat, is my first time tried eat very expected. This restaurant often a lot ppl need to wait so long and a bit expensive so that I won't think go to eat.

After that, we went to other place like pub to play and exchange present. Funny thing I get body lotion and body powder on present =P

Outing almost whole day still went to SS2 yumcha with my best friends Alan Wong, Eve Soon and Nichole Kong. Until 12am just went to Nichole house stayed a night. I was feel tired, sleepy and foot pain hope wanna rest till next day just back my hometown.

So long didn't feel very happy met all my friends that time, because after college life very less gathering together everyone got own busy and different place.

Hope to we can keep in touch, gathering always and see you all on next year Christmas.

Wish you all and myself have a happy holiday and enjoy nice Christmas day!

Good Night~~

Sunday, June 3, 2012

miss you all

Really really miss you all my friends,
Nichole Kong, Alan Wong, Shirlyn Leong, Melvien Lau, Aye Mon Mon, Christine Chin and other
come back hometown around two months ago liao
never meet and shopping with my friends
they always ask me when come back pj or kl
I just always said "not sure" for the answer
please dont blame me
because my schedule not flexible

Actually I miss a lot thing
Starbucks, 又一村茶餐室, 1 utama, pavilion and others laaaaaa
I hope that really can meet and visit you
and alot thing wanna buy it at klang valley
because my hometown there didn't got selling
But please give me some time
I will come back soon

And then can't attend my friend wedding dinner on September
make me very very disappointed and sad lorrrr
can't join with them enjoy, play or meet old friend on wedding dinner
Hope if have chance can meet them together again
but a bit bit very difficult for me

At last I wish can quickly meet u all soon and dream come true =P

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My New Identity Card

Waiting around three month ago, finally get my new identity card on today.

I'm still remember my old identity card is very very ugly for my look. Therefore, I really really less to show out my identity card to other people. Now I just abit satisfied my new IC but my face look like some angry like wanna kill someone =P

New Identity Card had abit some different for last time, there are improve their security, one more small photo and other. Actually you can't feel got which one difference now must be real to feel it laaaaa.

The Malaysia government never compulsory to everyone change new identity card, but now quite alot people go to change it. Make JPN processed really really slowly~~Now JPN announced public ppl can't change new identity card except spoil, above 18 years old, card can't read and other.

Why I need to change my identity card?? That why I already above 18 years old till now 24 years old just go to change it. If above 25 years old, you need to pay high fee.

At last, I really really happy can get my new ic because I was waiting and expected so long for it.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2012

Coming this month "May"
I still at hometown helping my family business
but I dont think I really get happy or not
always feel moody in my life

Why Im so moody
because always money money influence on myself
trouble for it~~

I dont like ppl always ask me a sensitive question
The question was......................
I think dont want write out
make me wanna crazy or sad
see how first I'm planning what kind future life~~

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Happy Birthday 2012

Happy Birthday to u~~
Happy Birthday to u~~
Happy Birthday to myself~~
Happy Birthday to u!!!

Nothing special on today
still same like everyday
but today is Perak Sultan B'day
Every Perak Rakyat celebrate for me
and then got one holiday (just only Perak state)
My birthday wishes is get a "New Ipad" and DSLR
But don't know when can come true~~
Forgot wishes everyday happy or relax in my life~~
no stress, no moody and other
I still a bit feel.........

Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy April 2012

April is my favorite month~~

because my birthday on this month mah
and then I really like this number "4"
still need to wait around 16 days
will be coming my b'day
this month also got alot friend b'day
OMG!!!! I already 24 years old liao
really really old already~~

can't turn to wait my birthday
because I expect so long what kind on my 24years old b'day
hope don't want alone to pass it lorrrrrr
jz passed my chinese b'day
same like everyday so that I hope got a celebrate and enjoy my b'day
really really wish lorrrr~~

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Chinese B'day on myself

Happy Birthday to myself!!!

Sorry, actually today just only my "Chinese B'day"
not important one =P
Nowadays a lot ppl dont know when is their chinese b'day
because they never notice it
why I know it
my favorite....hahahahaha!!!!!!
nothing special~~just stay at home sleep, online and other

I think really dont have special on today.