Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012!!!

We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
And a Happy New Year!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!
So happy on Christmas day, Every year always expect this day coming.Because I could saw every shopping mall decoration and gathering with friends.
Also spent a lot money on this Christmas month~~

On 23 Dec, I already celebrate christmas with my friends. This time ours gang gathering went to pavilion eat Japanese steamboat, is my first time tried eat very expected. This restaurant often a lot ppl need to wait so long and a bit expensive so that I won't think go to eat.

After that, we went to other place like pub to play and exchange present. Funny thing I get body lotion and body powder on present =P

Outing almost whole day still went to SS2 yumcha with my best friends Alan Wong, Eve Soon and Nichole Kong. Until 12am just went to Nichole house stayed a night. I was feel tired, sleepy and foot pain hope wanna rest till next day just back my hometown.

So long didn't feel very happy met all my friends that time, because after college life very less gathering together everyone got own busy and different place.

Hope to we can keep in touch, gathering always and see you all on next year Christmas.

Wish you all and myself have a happy holiday and enjoy nice Christmas day!

Good Night~~