Saturday, March 20, 2010

still hv 30days onli

still have 30 days will be my birthday coming^^ im not think of already will become 22 years old liao. Wah......old already!!! i dun wan but no choice~i always think why i still study in college becoz many ppl in this age already come out working liao...too sad

i still thinking how to celebrate my birthday...but i know nobody will not celebrate for me de becoz they wait me to treat eat big food. haiz....will spend alot moneyt liao. nvm....already is habit!!! normally i still alone and lonely to enjoy birthday in every year lo..

i know that finished one week break after Monday class is my birthday~still wan to attend class. i feel many ppl will hardworking to do their assignment, so they no time to go out eat or celebrate.

finally, i will expect my this year birthday coming~dun know how leh!! hehe.....

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